
Understanding the evidence

  • Value of having a grounding in local and international research related to the purpose.  
  • A clear sense of what is needed theory of change helps to create a compelling proposition to the key stakeholders.  
  • Are there potential partners or allies to engage with who can help with understanding the evidence of what works? 
  • Is there existing research and evidence about the current problem to avoid proving what is already known? 
  • Does the proposal align with current knowledge of what works for families in your community? 

Investing time and effort in understanding local and international research related to the purpose in the early stages enables a clear sense of what is needed and supports the development of a theory of change and a compelling proposition to key stakeholders.

Being open to co design with other partners is important and will lead to negotiations about potential variations to an initial idea.  By understanding the evidence about what is takes to achieve the change you are focussed on, it is easier to ensure that what you end up with after co design process, is still fit for purpose.  The grounding in research and evidence provides clarity on which aspects need to be held on to reach your goal. 

Use existing research and evidence about the problem rather than proving what is already known.  Engaging with potential partners or allies who can help you to understand the evidence and how it is applied to local situations and helps to build the stakeholder group around the work. 

The Colman Education foundation invested resources in synthesising the research about the key enablers of education success which then informed the development of the Our Place approach.

Early years set the foundation to lifelong learning, health and wellbeing

Provide early learning from birth, playgroups, child health and parenting support

Effective education is a key ingredient in childrens success

Schools create teaching and learning environments that ensure each child receives the support they need to achieve and thrive

Participation in community creates belonging and pride for children and families

Create portunities to be involved, joina a team, volunteer and contribute

Families in the communities we work with are often experiencing challenging life circumstances but are not accessing support

Make it easier to access and engage with effective support services

Parent Learning and employment changes intergenerational disadvantage

Provide a range of opportunities for families to engage in formal and informal learning and link them into employment pathways

The research about the benefits of a collaborative approach in place-based initiatives within a local service system was strong as was the need to provide appropriate support to this aspect.

Collaborations and partnerships are the keys to successful place-based initiatives

Utilise a team of skilled people to facilitate partnerships and collaboration, share evidence of good practice, evaluate the impact and share professional learning

 The Bryan Foundation was able to use the same evidence base and work with its government partners to adapt the implementation to the Queensland environment and conditions.  However, the essential enablers are in place in the design of both Our Place and FamilyLinQ.    

Clear and simple information about the evidence base for the work is drawn on over the life of the work in many ways, including engaging with stakeholders that authorise the work, engaging with partners that will implement the approach, orienting and inducting staff involved in the work and engaging with funders and potential funders.

In some sectors there is a greater emphasis on demonstrating the existence of a need than there is in drawing on the research to inform or test the strategy to address the need.  Having access to credible research about what it takes to achieve change is a foundation for development of the future strategies. 

Evidence and guidance on enablers of collaboration and place-based approaches are as important as understanding enablers of education success. 

Existing footprintHybridCommunity School