
Setting up governance structures

  • Fit for purpose governance that can change as project changes. 
  • Early stages need governance for maintaining authorisation, credibility and commitment communication and reporting to the partnership.
  • Unpack the expectations regarding shared accountability and communications when the group forms.
  • Important to have good briefing back into organisation by each member and at staff changeover.   
  • Container for addressing problems in the partnership.
  • What decisions are in the ‘governance’ domain? 
  • Who are the key decision makers? 
  • How is this communicated within the partnership? 
  • Is there shared understanding of expectations of each partner?
  • Is there a workable system for addressing problems in the partnership?

The governance structure needs to be a flexible framework capable of adapting as the project evolves promoting agility, and responsiveness to emerging challenges.

In the early stages the governance focuses on maintaining authorization, credibility, and commitment. Clear communication channels and regular reporting of progress to the partnership enhance transparency, engender trust, and keep stakeholders informed and engaged from the project's inception.

Creating structures that outlast specific team members ensure the sustainability of the governance approach beyond individual relationships. This longevity safeguards institutional knowledge, promotes continuity, and allows the governance framework to endure transitions.

While a high-level partnership can be agreed in principle, there is always the need for a clear process for reaching agreement on collaborative activities on an ongoing basis and overcoming any disagreements. This proactive approach fosters a collaborative environment, enabling the governance body to address challenges promptly, maintain cohesion, and steer the community project towards its objectives.

The level of governance needed reflects the scale and scope of the implementation of Schools as Community Platforms. If the work is possible within existing authorisation, then the level of governance needed is likely to be less complex.

Our Experience/Learnings

There is value in investing time in checking in with members in a governance group of their understanding of their role both to reconfirm expectations regarding contribution and to have a shared understanding of the distinction between governance and management in the context of the partnership work. 

In the planning stage the key governance structure was a steering group involving DET, Victorian schools building authority and Coleman Education Foundation. (Our Place – the backbone organisation had not yet formed.) 

The first agreement was between DET and the Colman Education Foundation to implement the Our Place approach in 10 locations. This gave enough clarity and commitment for both parties to progress to the next stage of selecting locations, planning site builds, engaging with key site stakeholders and establishing internal structures to support the current and future partnership work. 

For the Department of Education/ Colman Education Foundation partnership: Once there was agreement to proceed, and to ensure the partnership governance framework adequately addressed the complexities inherent in establishing Community Schools in 10 locations, a three-tiered governance structure was developed to enable local control of implementation while retaining structures to support strategic and system change agenda for the partnership.

This structure has been able to evolve over time as implementation has moved beyond establishment. 

The current Our Place governance structure is available on our website.

In The Bryan Foundation / Department of Education Queensland partnership, a two-tier governance structure was established.


In the governance groups, we were very intentional about who was at the table. They were the people who were in charge of the things that needed to change to enable this to happen. They could decide. It was very intentional.

Relevance to different archetypes

Existing footprintHybridCommunity School
Hub advisory group including parents and visiting services.Joint governance group with core partners.  Shared approach to planning.Shared planning and accountability for key strategies.
Governance group includes stakeholders able to authorise working differently.