
Stages of Pre-Establishment


Early ideation

At this stage there is awareness of significant challenges in the community that are affecting children being able to thrive in education and learning. There is recognition that a refreshed approach is needed to tackle these challenges. There is interest in exploring the possibility of establishing a school as community platform with the potential to connect with others to test the concept and feasibility.


  • Different parts of the local service system are reporting the need but not yet collaborating on a coordinated response.
  • While some recognise that change is necessary, there are varying degrees of understanding and commitment to working differently.
  • There may be groups focussing on parts of the problem but not the whole challenge.
  • Exploring the possibility, is there a need, is a school as community platform the right solution? who else shares the goal?

Building foundations

At this stage there is a core group of partners that have interest and capacity (time/ authority/ scope) to progress the idea.  Early scoping has indicated that there is a need and appetite, and that the ‘school as community platform model would not be duplicating or complicating the local system. There are other partnerships and relationships that are needed to realise a coordinated response.


  • There is in principle endorsement/ authorisation from critical leaders.
  • There is an appetite to collaborate towards a shared goal of improving education outcomes but not a shared understanding of what that would look like
  • There is a backbone (coordinating) entity that is able to lead and progress engagement with core partners, alignment of goals and defining high level measures of success.

Preparing to act

At this stage there is confirmed commitment to proceed and resources available. The shared goals are clear for the partners and there is an understanding of where they contribute to the achievement of that goal. Partners are committed to a shared governance model that involves the core partners that can authorise and enable collaboration across usual boundaries.  There is clarity about how decisions will be made as the work progresses.  There is a backbone (coordinating) entity/ organisation to facilitate planning and relationship development.


  • Trusted relationships between key partners and openness to explore new ways of working.
  • Cross sector support for the school as community platform’ approach and willingness to share resources.
  • Resources are available and infrastructure can commence.